Feature Request

Adjustments to charge/payment handling
We would like to see some adjustments that may be optional for some. An option for orders that don't include any weight based items, to go ahead and charge the full amount. (If someone wants to review before charging, allowing this as a setting that is optional would fix that.) For example someone orders a package based item that doesn't permit weight entry, and that is all they order. The system would review, see no weight items are in the order, and go ahead and charge the total. Prepayment deposit charge/Pre-Auth. I'm not sure of the specific terminology in the payment systems (capture, preauth, etc). But the ability to allow us to go ahead and charge an amount that is then adjusted upon completion. A Variety of other vendors/processors already offer this, and a simple example that most people have access to would be the likes of Walmart/Instacart, etc. They have your estimated total and add a small percentage to it, it then charges/holds that amount as a pending order on the card so it's cleared and able to be processed without issue. Then they adjust the final total and the system will automatically adjust and finalize the correct total. So If someone's subtotal is 100, and let's say we want to do a 5% grace/deposit so it will auth and show a pending charge on the card for $105. Then let's say the final weights and everything comes back and the total is actually 102.25. Then it'll automatically adjust and the charge will finalize at 102.25, and the remaining amount will be released. On the back end, we will still need a way to finalize or charge the order like we have now so that process can stay the same, or every similar, so adjustments can no longer be made and it submits it to the processor. We fairly regularly get orders that end up not processing after adjustments are complete and require multiple attempts and communications with the customer to rectify. This would help to reduce that.
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