Remove Item Cart Refresh
Brooks Hitzfield
Brooks Hitzfield
Hey Dustin! We've reviewed this and haven't been able to recreate what you're referring to. When items are removed, the cart does automatically refresh.
Can you tell me if I'm missing something before we close this request?
Dustin Schnabel
Brooks Hitzfield: you’re right Brooks. I have not had a complaint again or I have not been able to replicate it. I’m not sure what was happening but it must have been isolated on my end… thanks for following up. You guys are great.
Brooks Hitzfield
Dustin Schnabel: Sweet! Maybe it was a short-lived thing. Thanks Dustin.
Caroline VanDerLoop
Or put an 'update' in plain sight. That is a thing on some sites so its not totally mysterious that you have to click something to make your order refresh